KSI Coaching online training programs
Keep your child fit and active during the current lockdown. Why not join our online community joining our online sessions so your child can come back stronger than ever when they come back to training
Keep your child fit and active during the current lockdown. Why not join our online community joining our online sessions so your child can come back stronger than ever when they come back to training
Our online programs has been specially designed to help your child improve their fitness or football skills. These workouts can be done in either a small space or a big space. Our football sessions are tailor made for each specific age group. All our sessions are age specific focusing on the key essentials of physical development for your childs age in order to be on top of their game.
Our sessions will ensure your child is getting the right amount of exercise to ensure that they are ready again when they are able to play with their teams again.
Through our online coaching your child will get more time to continue to work in more depth, on skills which they may not be able to do while in a group training session. As a result of more focused learning, they will have a better opportunity to stand out and be better than the opposition
You do not have to worry about your child missing out on ensuring that they are physically active and it is quick and easy to set up
Our online sessions are very interactive and engaging. Our practical approach will enable kids of all ages to learn the game much more quicker.
Kids 5-7 years old every Monday from 5-6pm
Kids aged 9-10 years old every Tuesday from 5-6pm
Kids 8-9 years old every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30pm
Kids 7-8 years old every Thursday from 5-6pm
Kids 10+ every Thursday from 6-7pm
Kids reception or year 1 every Saturday from 9:30-10:30am
Kids in year 2 from every Saturday from 10am-11pm
Kids in year 5 every Saturday from 11:30-12:30pm
Kids in year 3 and year 4 every Saturday from 11:30-12:30pm
Kids year 6 and above from 12:45-1pm
We will support your child all the way through their footballing journey from feedback to updates about the lastest football trends
Our coaches will get even the most shy kid out of their shell and make sure they get the best out your child while they with us
Your child will learn all aspects of football from the technical aspects to the rules of football. we also arrange monthly fixtures to enhance your childs learning
Your child will learn all aspects of football from the technical aspects to the rules of football. we also arrange monthly fixtures to enhance your childs learning
We will support your child all the way through their footballing journey from feedback to updates about the lastest football trends
Our coaches will get even the most shy kid out of their shell and make sure they get the best out your child while they with us
As our online sessions are small classes we will be able to interact with everyone to ensure they still feel like they are with us in person.
Your child will learn all aspects of football from the technical aspects to the rules of football. we also arrange monthly fixtures to enhance your childs learning
Our sessions require you to have a space (can be big or small) depending on the session you may need a bigger space.
This is needed in order to give you extra grip of the floor when you are doing your exercise drills.
Correct clothing inculdes the following : tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a tshirt. If you decide to do the training outdoor you will require thermal underdressing depending on weather
Having the right footwear is essential for our sessions. Our fitness sessions you will need trainers adequete for exercise and when you do our football training you would need football trainers
You will need a football that is appropiate to your childs age as this will help them be better with their control, dribbling and strength.
As these sessions children will be running around and exerting lots of energy it is important for children to keep hydrated to keep their energy going.
All our sessions will be delivered via Zoom so it is important that your smartphone , tablet or Laptop has this application downloaded
All our sessions are delivered online and it is very important that you have effective internet connection in order to access the sessions
Your child and your experience of our programs are very important to us.
We want to ensure that when your child is in the company of us that we ensure that they are safe and we are getting the best out of your child .
Whether it will be improving their football skills or improving them as a person for the future.
If we don’t manage to achieve this we will give your money back
You will need to contact info@ksicoaching.com to say that you want to cancel your membership. This will need to be done 1 month in advance of you cancelling and we will cancel the memberhip on our end.
Payments will be taken on the 1st of every month. If the paymentwas not be able to be taken on the date a payment will be taken 3 days later. If after the 3 days payment still was not successful then your membership will get cancelled and you would have to buy a new one
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