ksi coaching football for 4-7 year olds EVERY SATURDAY
Where to find us
We deliver football sessions at Deptford Lounge every Saturday from 10-11am
Get here via car
Paid parking is avaliable at Frankham Street Car park
Get here via bus
Nearest buses are 47 (get off at wavelengths leisure centre) or get the 188,47,199,53,177 or 453 and get of at Deptford high street and walking to the venue is about a 5 minuite walk
Get here via train
Nearest Stations are Deptford Bridge DLR station and Deptford overground station
What your child will learn from us
Teaching the basics of football
Our activities are broken down and are simple for infants to understand. You will be amazed at how we can communicate with your child to ensure that we get the best out of them
improve listening and concentration
Our activities we like to ensure that children are listened to and are learning as we ask kids questions about activities they do. Also our coaching is age appropiate for the kids making sure they understand what activities they are doing maximisng their fun
Coordination and Balance
What makes our sessions stand out from others is the face that we get our parents involved in the sessions as we have found that when a child sees someone they know getting involved they will get involved hence the better experience.
build social skills
At our sessions we will help your child with their social skills by delivering activities which aim at improving communication and team work with other children resulting in a boost of confidence
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Benefits joining us from us
We will get your child running around and burning any morning energy which they have with our activities resulting in you having rest of mind and being able to have time for yourself
Football player Pathway
We have a pathway from infant all the way to youth level. So if your child loves football so much you will not have to have the hassle of looking for a club that can take your child as we cator for them when they get older
Great child and Parent bonding
What makes our sessions stand out from others is the face that we get our parents involved in the sessions as we have found that when a child sees someone they know getting involved they will get involved hence the better experience.
We will make your child smile
We are confident that once you come to one of our sessions your child will be begging to come back and participate again. From our staff to our activities we always look to get you and your child smiling
What Parents say about our sessions
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Frequently asked questions
What we do usually is make children do an obstacle course to improve their motor skills then we get the balls our to help them learn the basics of football like throwing and kicking and then finally we let the kids score lots of goals.
Our activities do encourage a lot of parent interaction so their will be plenty of time for you to bond with your little one
Make sure your child is wearing sports clothing and trainers. Also make sure that they have a water bottle as their will be water break intervals so that your child can stay hydrated
Yes their is buggy space located at the venue so you will not need to worry.
We prefer that you pay online as sessions are limited to a certain amount of kids. You will have to contact 07745166791 in advance to ask if their is still spaces. However booking online will be best to ensure that you are not disappointed
Please contact info@ksicoaching.com