KSI Coaching Football Sessions

Turn up and play Football sessions for kids from 2-11 years old

KSI Coaching Football Making playing Football Fun again

Looking for another way which you can develop your childs learning without the use of a classroom, 

Or do you want to get your kids being apart of an activities in a safe environment.

 Maybe you just want to find a place where your child can burn some extra energy. 

Our Football sessions provide your child a positive social environment to develop their football skills but also enjoy playing the game. 

Off the pitch skills your child will learn from us


Through our activities we want your child to feel involved in what we do. 

Specialist activities will bring even the most shy child out of their shell. 

Our positive viberant atmosphere will encourage your child bringing out their unique individuality as a person

Students controling a football with sole of foot
Children working together having fun at the football sessions


Teamwork is not only a vital skill in football but it is a vital skill in life. through creative a positive learning environment and putting kids in different situations in football. 

At our football sessions we help kids to understand what teamwork is and the benefits of teamwork resulting in a positive footballing experience for your child.


Setbacks is something everyone faces in life and this is not something your child would not face.


However what we focus on doing at our sessions is using previous disappointment and turning it into something positive


We want your child to feel like they are on top of the world and conquer any challenges that they may face. We build leaders to change today

People challenging eachother
Child touching his toes working on his hamstring flexibility

Communication & Concentration

Our football sessions we  look for regular games and choose players not on ability we reward players who perform well on and off the pitch.

Communication is often under looked when it comes to player development in football.

At our sessions we work on all forms of communication whether it is the way coaches speak to students or vice versa we ensure we give everyone a platform to express themselves.

We believe with improved communication children will be able to concentrate and help each other achieve the common goal at our sessions

What your child will learn on the pitch


Every child we coach will soon be comfortable with a ball at their feet.

Our students always have a lot of one-on-one time with the ball, improving controlled passing and dribbling and allowing them to get creative with their skills!

Students controling a football with sole of foot
Students using football for fitness activities


From drills to competitive games, we find creative and rewarding ways to improve children’s fitness.

We believe that creating a positive outlook on health and fitness in childhood sets kids up for life.

Friendly fixtures and Tournaments

The best way which we  kids learn is by going to play football in a wide host of environments. We want your child to enjoy everything that is beautiful about football.

The more your plays in friendlies and tournaments they would get comfortable playing football.

Not only would they be comfortable playing football but they will know how to speak and work with other children as this is so important when they get older.


person taking a corner in a football game

Our Promise

Your child and your experience of our sessions are important to us. 

We want to ensure that when your child is in the company of us that we ensure that they are safe and we are getting the best out of your child .

 Whether it will be improving their football skills or improving them as a person for the future. 

If we don’t manage to achieve this we will give your money back

Check out our football sessions

For first time users use discount code 'fctrialsat' to get your trial session for just £5 (Saturday sessions only)
Use discount code 'tttft' for midweek sessions

Football sessions at Deptford Lounge for 6-8 year olds

Every monday from 5-6pm

Football classes for 4-6 year olds

Every saturday from 9:30-10:35

Football sessions at the woodpecker centre 2-4 year olds

Saturday from 10:30-11:15am


What equipment do I need to bring?

All you would need to make sure you have is shinpads and water. Should your child not bring shinpads KSI Coaching takes no liability for injury

Are coaches qualified and DBS Checked

Lead Coaches are Level qualified and DBS checked. KSI Coaching is fully insured. 

Is there First Aid on site ?

KSI Coaches will be able to adminster First Aid

How does payment work ?

All payments are made online. Should you want to do cash transactions please contact info@ksicoaching Pricing plans and direct debits are avaliable contacting info@ksicoaching.com

If you have any additional questions or queries please feel free to contact : info@ksicoaching.com

Follow us on social media 'KSI Coachingfc' for latest updates